SessionsCheryl and Seva work with clients covering the full range of issues that men and women encounter in their everyday lives around relationships, love, and sex. See our Couple's Retreat page for descriptions of a dozen couple's issues, and and a hint about our session methodologies. Methods used in sessions include dialogue, assessment, skills practice, role-playing, breathing, meditation, energetic healing, bodywork, and somatic education. Issues that Cheryl and Seva help clients with include:
Skills practice:
Seva for Men: I've been there! I grew up shy and without skills. But, I have had great teachers, and learned a lot over 40+ years of relationships. Now, one of the hottest women on the planet is my partner. She loves and reveres me. It can be the same for you too! I offer a free 20 minute consultation. Contact me at [email protected]. Some of what you might need:
Cheryl for Women: I know what it feels like to be completely shut down as a sexual being and feel "broken". At one point in my life I felt hopeless, did not want to be touched by my partner and would have been happy to retire sexually. Through working with a practitioner gifted in the sexual healing arts, I was able to not only regain what I had lost, but go far beyond, embracing my sexual confidence and power. Today I have the privilege of working with women in private sessions and my Women Healing Women Weekends to help them reclaim and expand their capacity for joyful sexual self-expression. Sexual Healing for Women- Benefits of a Love and Sex Mastery Session for Women Many people are surprised to hear the words sexual and healing in the same sentence, Martin Gaye's 1982 recording, "Sexual Healing" notwithstanding! For most people, sex is something you experience with a partner and healing means go to a doctor. So, what is Sexual Healing and why would a woman seek out a Love and Sex Mastery sexual healing session? Growing up female can be challenging in a culture that is confused about female sexual expression. Sexual images of females are everywhere, used to sell everything from beer to vacations. Always available porn is entertainment, yet some viewers are using it as sexual education: ever ready women with always rock hard men. The emotional and spiritual aspect of sexual connection is ignored. Add to that, many women have received unwanted sexual attention, including rape and incest. The mix of these factors may find women completely shutting down sexually, or engaging in sexual activity when they are not a full heart, mind, body, "Yes!". Either way, the ensuing numbness and disconnect from the body occurs and her natural capacity for pleasure is dampened or becomes nonexistent. And the capacity of female bodied humans for pleasure is infinite! What are some of the benefits of a LSM Sexual Healing Session for a woman? 1.Letting go of mental, physical and emotional blocks related to shame, guilt and fear around sexual expression. 2.Acceptance of physical body appearance 3. Reclaiming safety through communicating emotional, mental and physical boundaries 4. Expressing herself fully as a sexual being, increased sensation throughout the whole body 5.Valuing the role of Pleasure in her life, Feeling good leads to more feeling good, depression eases, life looks brighter 6.Expanding the capacity to like and love herself 7. The wisdom and energy of the womb (even when removed, the energetic womb exists) and genitals is engaged, it can be channeled into creativity, empowerment and guidance for the future What happens in LSM Sexual Healing session first session? All sessions begin by co-created safety between the Love and Sex Mastery practitioner and the client. Boundaries are spoken and practiced, especially important as many women have not felt they could say"no" to that which they do not want. Breath work follows to access the unconcious mind. An energetic dialogue begins between the woman's womb/genital space and the practitioner. Blocks to the woman expressing her true sensual/sexual nature are discovered. Much can be uncovered in this process as the conscious mind relaxes and other aspects of the woman can speak, including her Inner Child, Inner Teenager and the Universal Feminine. Her inner wisdom can speak as well and provide insight and guidance. The client is encourage to communicate what she is feeling through out the session. Some women use sounds, words and tears to release painful and frozen spots. Others experience revelations and euphoria. Other women go into a deep trance space and access memories of present and past lives. Under these circumstances sexual healing takes place organically. There is no "trying" to heal. At the end of her session, time is allowed for integration of her experience with suggestions for a home follow up. Subsequent sessions go even deeper into the woman's sexual empowerment. Some benefits of a LSM sexual healing session are immediate. Others happen over time as they are integrated into the woman's daily life and a more confident, happier, self-directed woman emerges! To schedule a session with a Love and Sex Mastery Practitioner, contact Cheryl at [email protected] |
Sensual Sedona Individual and Couple's RetreatTake advantage of blue skies, clean air, warm sun, and red rocks, to rediscover your passion for nature, yourself and your partner! Our retreats are unlike any you will find in Sedona. We embrace an approach that includes all of the mind, emotions, and bodily pleasures that lead to a transcendental experience. See our Couple's Retreat page for more juicy details! Contact Cheryl at [email protected] to put your Sedona retreat into motion. |
Other Services:
In-person sessions are generally 2 to 3 hours in length and start at $150/hr Couples sessions with Cheryl and Seva are $250/hr. Skype, FaceTime, or phone sessions are available at $95/hr. Cheryl and Seva offer sessions individually and as a team in Sedona, Arizona, Chicago, Illinois, and while on tour of other cities. Contact info: Seva Khalsa, [email protected] Cheryl Good, [email protected] "Thank you Cheryl and Seva for such a beautiful heart felt session. You both work well together in sensitivity and expansion and compassion. I truly enjoyed my time with you both." A.C., Arizona |
L.EA.S.E. Laughing Empress Academy for Sexual Enlightenment Opened September, 2016 in Sedona, Arizona Contact Cheryl at [email protected] for enrollment information L.E.A.S.E. classes begin January, 2017 |